Monday, November 5, 2012

Tunnel Writing

 The Tunnel

In 8B4 we have been studying the book 'The Tunnel' By Anthony Browne. We then wrote our own tunnel stories and they are AMAZING! Miss McLaughlan is so proud of our great writing, take a read and see what you think. 

One day there was two boys named Drew and Oliver and Drew’s dad said to Drew “go find a friend to play with”. So Drew went to Oliver’s house and asked him to play and Oliver said “yes”. So Drew and Oliver went back to Drew’s house and asked Drew’s dad when they had to be home and Drew’s dad said “by sun-set”. Drew decided to play hide’n’seek. Drew said “you hide and I will count”. So Drew counted up to two hundred and Oliver went to hide. Drew went to find Oliver but Oliver was stuck in gum and he broke the gum and he went flying into the tunnel. Drew looked everywhere but didn’t find him. He looked everywhere apart from the tunnel! Drew walked toward the tunnel and he entered the tunnel.

As Drew entered the dark, shadowy tunnel he saw giant shadows and green, gooey slime dangling from the brick roof. As Drew crawled on he felt a cold wind in his face. He also saw a black dust cloud. He touched the brick wall and it felt like metal. He saw a bright light shine his eye and he said “ I’ve made it “.

As soon as Drew got out of the tunnel he saw some grey concrete grave stones with blood on the tip and another tunnel cut into a tree that was nailed closed. In the forest it smelt rank. ( bad ). The thick trees had pictures carved into them. Drew shouted out “ bro, bro, can you hear me”. But there was no reply. Drew saw a dead wart-hog leaning on a tree.

Drew found Oliver and he was stuck in a wall and Drew did some of his awesome karate skills but the wall didn’t budge. So Drew said MOOOVVE!!!!! The wall broke and Oliver broke free and Oliver shot the wizard with a bazooka and he got a head shot and the wizard was dead.

Once there was a dad and a daughter who were very unalike. Dad liked playing video games and Zoe liked playing soccer .One day the mother got so sick of them outside she said don’t come back until you two are friends so they walked to the park. They went on the swings while dad was swinging he got so high that he could see over some trees and then he saw a tunnel.  He ran into the tunnel and never came out Zoe got worried so she went after him.

Zoe crawled into the tunnel slowly all she could see was darkness and shadows .The tunnel was old and dusty .She could feel the hard sand on her hands and then she could feel dust from the roof top, she could see some shadows moving .She can finally see light

She came out of the tunnel, she saw big bumpy trees .She saw things carved into the trees like a warthog and a wolf dressed up like a grandma. She could see a grave that scared her a little .She could see a green tree and she could see an axe so she picked the axe up and went away into the trees but it was blocked.

Then Zoe saw this face carved into a tree it was dad luckily she was still holding the axe so she chopped open the tree .Dad came out of the tree and became friends so they happily walked home  

Once there was two kids called Jayd and Paige. Paige liked drawing and colouring and Jayd liked playing on the I pad. They got bored and watched TV. Gran was cleaning the kitchen and said “go outside it’s a beautiful day”. So they went out and found a tunnel, then Jayd said “come on lets go”.
“No thanks, it’s safer out here” said Paige.
“Fine I am going” said Jayd. Ten minutes later and Jayd still didn’t come back so Paige went in.

She enters the shadowy tunnel with walls of hard brick, she was crawling on sticky sinking sand. She was staring into a dark gloomy hole in front of her. She could hear nothing but cold drippy water dripping from the ceiling. Finally she reached an opening.

When she came out of the gooey tunnel she saw huge brown and metal like trees with different types of carving in them. She realised they were carvings of real life stuff that could come to life. She heard scary noises like someone was creeping and crawling behind her. She started jogging then running then racing. It reminded her of her crazy sister.

Paige was getting tired so she walked on and found her sister in an icicle. Paige found a hammer and smashed it four times, the icicle broke. They ran back into the tunnel and back home just in time for their favourite show. 

There was once a brother and a sister who lived out in the country. They were not alike at all. The brother Brooke liked playing with his rugby ball. But one day their mother got mad and said “come back by lunch time”so they went outside and found a tunnel. Brooke said
”Lets go!”
“No there might be ghost's or ants or even big hairy spiders” said Caitlin
“Don't be a little kid”said Brooke
so Brooke went inside,after a minutes or so Caitlin got worried

So she enters the darking shadow tunnel. The walls were made out of a big solid red darked bricks. The floor was like a long twisted slippery piece of ice.  Then she saw a tiny bit of light.  It got bigger as she moved along the tunnel.  She finally saw the light.  She stood out of the tunnel, she looked around and saw an axe.  The axe was leaning on a wooden stump.  Then out of the corner of her eye she saw 5 pieces of wood nailed to a carved out tree, it was hollow in the middle.  She saw a camp fire and then she called, “brother brother.”  There was quiet all around.

So Caitlin crept soundlessly along until she saw a kitten in a cage that looked like her brother, so she found a key and unlocked it.  She gave the rugby ball back to brook and he turned back to normal.  They went home and there was Mum who said, “Just in time for lunch you two.”   Brooke and Caitlin said nothing

Once there were 7 gems called moonstones hidden in a place in the monster’s realm. There were three adults Frank, Rock and Ane-Lee who had been given a mission by their boss Dr Rodney Rath Bone. Their mission was to stop the ghost train. They found a tunnel Frank went in and Ane-Lee slowly followed. Frank got a head start and was no longer in sight.

So she cautiously crawled along the shadowy tunnel. Dust fell from the top of the tunnel, as she crawled it started to get brighter and brighter until she came to a clearing, a forest.

The forest was very odd, there was a rope snake, two wolves that were carved into a spooky tree. There was a creepy gravestone. The trees looked as if they had eyes. There was a rope snake leaning on a tree.

Suddenly she saw the ghost train then she saw Frank in the prison carriage. She quickly sprang out and opened the cage and then grabbed the blue ghost moonstone and then returned through the tunnel and back to Dr Rath Bone.

Ben and Leo are brothers. Leo is 3 and Ben is 2 years older than Leo. They are always fighting over a lion coloured cat. One day their mum said “I’m sick and tired of you two arguing with each other, go outside and ride your bikes” So the two brothers started to ride their bikes then Ben spotted a tunnel, he said “come on Leo lets go into the tunnel” “no don’t Ben” But Ben didn’t listen. He crawled into the creepy tunnel and he didn’t come out. Leo was really frightened but he took a deep breath and crawled in after Ben.

He crawled into the tunnel. There were rotten bricks all over the shadowy walls, moss on the ground and abandoned cobwebs on the roof. Leo goes on till his soft knees really hurt. Dirt was crumbling off the roof. Finally he saw some bright light.

He crawled closer to the light; shadows crept up behind him, getting bigger and bigger because of the light. After a while he walked into a thick, bushy forest and pictures were carved into the twisty trunk of an old tree. Leaves were falling off the trees. To his amazement the leaves were really little and the colour of fresh grass.

Leo saw Ben stuck in a cage that was in the highest tree. Leo searched around for something to help him. He found a key and climbed up the tree to unlock the cage. Ben opened the door when Leo had unlocked the cage, they ran to the tunnel and they were home.


Once there were two boys.   One was five and the other was eleven.  They fought so much that their Mum told them to go out until dark and try to behave.

They went out and Sam slipped and fell down a damp and muddy hill and found a cave- like tunnel.  Alex came chasing after him and saw the tunnel.

Sam says let’s see what’s on the other side but Alex disagreed so Sam went in and he didn’t come out, so Alex was going to go in.

He slowly slips and slides down the dark, slimy and gloomy tunnel.  He was very scared.  He passed a very scary shadow, and he screamed at the top of lungs for his brother but there was no answer.

He finally burst through the horrifying tunnel to find himself in a forest full of trees with grooves and rough bumps that were shaped like animals from fairy tales. 

One looked like the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood and another tree looked like a warthog.   Suddenly, Alex sees a fire and has a bit of hope, so he heads out of the forest but he still couldn’t see Sam.  

He looks up in distress and sees a bubble with Sam in it and luckily he has  a pin in his pocket, so he pulls it out and throws it up and pops the bubble but hits Sam in the foot.
“Ouch!” said Sam.

They run back to the tunnel and they go through and get home just before dark.

One day Maisy and Christine were walking to the park. On the way to the park they saw a tunnel Maisy said “ lets go in this tunnel”.
“No it might have spiders or a ghost in there” said Christine.
“Don’t be so scared” said Maisy, and Maisy crawled into the tunnel.

Christine waited for Maisy to come out but she did not come out. So she crawled into the spooky dark tunnel. She crawled slow when she crawled to the middle there was a spooky shadow on a brown brick. She kept crawling until the tunnel was very dark. She was very scared because she is afraid of the dark. She kept crawling until she saw some light. “Oh I have made it” she said.

She saw a spooky trees and a lot of birds. The forest was very quiet she kept walking until she saw a tree that had a rope on it. She touched the hard creepy tree she ran away from the spooky tree.

Christine stopped and she shouted “Maisy! Where are you?”
“I’m stuck on a big rock” yelled Maisy.
“This rock is so sticky” said Christine and Maisy started to begin to unstuck. When Maisy unstuck the evil witch came. Christine and Maisy ran to the tunnel and out of the tunnel and they never go in there again.

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